Google Analytics for Jekyll themed github webpages

2 minute read

Google analytics can be used for free to add tracking to your jekyll themed github website. In this post I am gonna show you a simple configuration using a javascript code snippet to add analytics to your website.

The reason for putting this post is I couldn’t find a simple instruction on how to add tracking to my website. Either the posts were outdated or few things weren’t working for me.


  • You have google account
  • You have jekyll theme github website (obviously)


1. Javascript code snippet for analytics

Copy the below snippet to your analytics.html page at the very end.

<script> = || function () { (ga.q = ga.q || []).push(arguments) }; ga.l = +new Date;
  ga('create', '', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');
<script async src=''></script>

The analytics.html page would be in _includes directory. If it is not there for your project, better search for it in another directory or just create it in your _includes directory.

2. Code snippet for applying analytics on all pages


Copy the below snippet to your default.html page under the <head> section after the % include analytics.html

My head section looks something like this after copying the code snippet

The default.html page would be in _layouts directory.


Ideally, the above code snippet should go in head.html under its <head> section. But for some, the head.html does not exist. In my case, the head.html was there but didn’t have a boilerplate head section already defined. So, I didn’t bother to create the tag and copy paste there.

If you have it then you can copy paste there or try and create the tag and then paste it. It should work but I haven’t tried that.

Important: Put the snippet under <head> section.

3. Get Tracking ID from Google Analytics Website

The next step is to go to and create a tracking ID.

To create a tracking ID for your website you need to register your website. To do that go to admin -> create a property and fill the simple details asked.

4. Copy the Tracking ID

Go back to your project and paste the newly created tracking ID from your google analytics page to _config.yml

The _config.yml would be under the parent directory of your project directory.

Mine looks somewhat like this

# Analytics
  provider               : "google"
    tracking_id          : "UA-XXXXXXXX-X"
    anonymize_ip         : # true, false (default)

Please mind that you need to replace the placeholder if already there with your new tracking ID. (you would say, obviously ;)).

If you managed to follow me till here, then CONGRATULATIONS!!! Theoretically it should work now :P. You can push your changes to production and see for yourself.

Cheers and happy hacking.


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